Backing Tracks

C minor backing track [004]

Chord Progression This track has the following chords: i7 iv7 Cm7 Fm7 In the backing track we start with the chords high up on the neck, slowly playing down the beck using different inversions. Improvising This track uses the natural minor scale. You can improvise over it using the following scales: Natural minor Harmonic minor Minor pentatonic The blues scale You can also use arpeggios for the different chords.

B minor backing track [003]

Chord Progression This track has the following chords: i9 viø iiø V7 Bm G#ø C#ø F#7 In the backing track we start with the chords high up on the neck, slowly playing down the beck using different inversions. Improvising This track uses a mixture of minor modes. The i9 is common to the natural, harmonic and melodic minor scales. viø is only present in the melodic minor. iiø is in natural and harmonic minor.

E minor backing track [002]

This is a backing track in E minor, with drums, strings and bass. String Arrangement The track has strings, drums and bass guitar. The guitar fills quite a low register, so to make room for improvisation, I placed the strings quite high up. The bass guitar is playing a single E note, with the strings filling out the e minor harmony, with violins I & II playing octaves, moving between the E and D note, to create an E minor 7 feel:

D minor backing track [001]

This is a backing track in d minor, with drums, strings and clean guitar. The backing comes from my original piece, Love In The Rain You can download this backing track here. Guitar Tab Here are the two (slightly) different parts for the clean guitar: This is the first part of the guitar backing This is the second part Scales and Arpeggios From Video In the video, we look at three different scales and arpeggios we can play over the top of this backing track: